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Military Human

Military Human

Military Human transition

The Military Human: Understanding Military Culture and Transition webinar 10 December 2024



Part of The Military Human CPD Series created by York St John University, the study day acknowledges that the combat experience of veterans may be very difficult to comprehend for some, so adopts a unique person centred ‘military human’ experience approach to understanding military culture, ethos, values, sense of belonging and transition to civilian life. By applying recognised frameworks, theories and research such as Maslow’s (1943) Hierarchy of Needs, Erikson’s (1950) Theory of Psychosocial Development, Adler’s (1975) The Transitional Experience & Cooper et al (2016) Transition from Military to Civilian Life and following a timeline approach that follows a new recruit through their military career, it is possible to successfully explore the military to civilian life journey.
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